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News & Announcements

Clerk of the Circuit Court

Posted on: September 13, 2021

[ARCHIVED] Surveys for Jury Service in the Mail

The Jury Office in the office of the Loudoun Clerk of the Circuit Court is sending out more than 50,000 jury questionnaire postcards to Loudoun County residents for the purpose of determining who is qualified for jury duty in Loudoun County in 2022. Loudoun residents who receive the postcard are directed to use an online, secure portal to complete the jury questionnaire instead of using paper documents. The postcard questionnaires and online portal provide for a more efficient way for the recipient to complete the questionnaire and more efficient for the Clerk’s Jury Office team to process tens of thousands of questionnaires. 

The annual jury questionnaire process enables the circuit court and the clerk’s office jury management team to establish a qualified pool of jurors who may be summonsed to serve jury duty in 2022.  While the questionnaire process is commencing now, those citizens who are deemed qualified to serve as jurors will not be called to serve jury duty until calendar year 2022. “The jury questionnaire is a legal document used by the Court to conduct a survey that allows the Jury Office and Jury Commissioners to determine who is qualified and eligible to serve in 2022,” said Clerk of the Circuit Court Gary M. Clemens.  “The jury questionnaire for 2022 is not a summons for jury duty.”

Clemens is requesting that citizens who receive a jury questionnaire postcard to take the time to read and complete the questionnaire online by using the secure website link to access the online process. There are instructions in the questionnaire postcard to assist recipients who may not be able to complete the process online. 

“The timely participation of those who receive the questionnaires is beneficial to the efficiency of the qualification process and it helps the court system provide the constitutional guarantee of a jury trial to criminal and civil litigants,” stated Clemens. “The Loudoun County Circuit Court continues to schedule and conduct jury trials consistent with the Supreme Court’s Jury Trial Transition Plan, so I truly appreciate the cooperation of each resident who receives a juror questionnaire postcard in the mail. It is important that each recipient respond accordingly to ensure we have a representative and qualified pool of jurors for 2022.”

For more information about jury duty and the juror questionnaires, visit To find out more about the services offered by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, visit  

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