Sex Offense Specific youth services Program (SOSys)

About the Program

This program primary consists of non-violent youth who have engaged in a variety of sexual related behaviors. The program is designed to utilize several treatment components to include groups, individual treatment, in-home services, family therapy, skill building and education. These treatment components, in conjunction with intensive probation supervision, provide an effective alternative to out of community, residential placements, or incarceration.

The Sex Offense Specific youth services Program (SOSys) currently contracts out the program's treatment component. Attendees may be evaluated by the Loudoun County Department of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Developmental Services, or more likely our expert contractor along with the Juvenile Court Service Unit (JCSU) to determine appropriateness for the program. The participant and parents are then oriented to treatment conditions, limited confidentiality, and the multiple steps of sex offense specific treatment. The family is also educated on such topics as providing safety for their child and the community, while assisting their child's treatment goal of eliminating future sexually abusive behaviors.

SOSys has proven to be a successful diversion for cases that may have previously been placed in residential treatment. The program takes a holistic approach to treatment for youth, providing necessary structure, guidance, as well as community protection. 

More Information

For more information, contact the Juvenile Court Service Unit at 703-777-0303.