Business Assistance Team: Economic Development

Assisting businesses in Loudoun County is a core mission of the Loudoun County Department of Economic Development. As a member of the Loudoun County Business Assistance Team, the Department of Economic Development is ready to help you build your business. The department offers a wide range of services for businesses, whether they're rural or suburban, a start-up or well-established entity.

Site Selection

Loudoun's Department of Economic Development works closely with local brokers, property owners and developers in order to provide you with up-to-date information and a full range of personalized site selection services.

Site Selection Contact Information

Fast-Track Commercial Incentive Program

Your new business may be eligible for Loudoun County's Fast-Track Commercial Incentive Program. Fast-Track is available for certain targeted industries.

Fast-Track Contact Information

Small Business & Entrepreneurism Team

Loudoun County recognizes the important role that small businesses play in the Loudoun County economy, with more than 7,300 businesses in the county with fewer than 20 employees. The department's Small Business and Entrepreneurism Team provides a wide range of services to support small businesses, including the Quick Start Checklist and Loudoun Sourcelink - in an effort to link Loudoun businesses to the right resources at the right time.

Small Business & Entrepreneurism Contact Information

Rural Businesses
Loudoun County has a thriving rural economy and the Department of Economic Development has a rural economy team, led by the county's Agricultural Development Officer, which stands ready to help rural businesses.

Rural Businesses Contact Information

  • John Magistro: Business Development Officer of Agriculture and Business Services
    Phone: 703-737-8820
    Email John Magistro