New Comprehensive Plan: The History of the Envision Loudoun Process

Envision Loudoun/ Loudoun 2040

The Envision Loudoun process led to the development of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan, adopted in June 2019, which will serve as the county government's guide for land use and transportation policy that will provide a flexible framework and implementation strategy to meet the county’s future priorities and needs. 

Plan Charter and Foundations Report
The planning process for the new Loudoun County Comprehensive Plan was guided by the Plan Charter (PDF). Early in the process, the county's consultant team wrote a Foundations Report (PDF), which summarized the existing conditions and trends shaping Loudoun County.

Stakeholders Committee

The New Comprehensive Plan Stakeholders Committee, whose members were appointed by the Board of Supervisors, worked with county staff and the county's consultants to help guide the process of developing a new Comprehensive Plan. The Stakeholders Committee's final meeting was July 9, 2018. View more information about the committee.

Call the Department of Planning and Zoning at 703-777-0246 or email.