Value of Loudoun's Trees and Forests

Loudoun County's trees and forests offer a variety of economic, environmental, and social benefits to our community. If well maintained, trees and forests can be expected to increase in value as they grow older, and represent an investment that provides benefits well in excess of the costs.

Economic Benefits

  • Good tree and vegetation cover can raise property values by ten to 30%
  • Trees can reduce energy bills by ten to 50% through shading and evaporative cooling in the summer and blocking cold winter winds
  • Loudoun's trees provide income, jobs and tax revenues through sales of wood products, fruit, Christmas trees, nursery stock, and other products
Bright Green Tree
  • Tree canopies retain water during storms, and reduce the costs of treating stormwater through detention ponds and stream restoration projects
  • Stores in areas with healthy trees have increased customer traffic and higher sales
  • Trees block damaging solar radiation and increase the lifespan of streets and parking lots
  • Forested parks provide recreation opportunities that draw visitors and tourists to the county
  • Forests provide areas for hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor activities, and support local businesses that serve outdoor enthusiasts

Health & Environmental Benefits

  • Trees are effective filters of air pollutants such as particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides that can cause asthma and other respiratory problems
  • Trees and forests provide visual screening, privacy, and noise reduction, and help to reduce stress, blood pressure, and muscle tension
  • Landscaping along streets results in lower levels of vehicle crash rates
  • Trees and forested stream buffers reduce soil erosion and protect the quality of water for drinking and recreation
  • Trees reduce UV radiation that can cause skin cancer
  • Trees and forests provide food and shelter for birds and other wildlife

Social Benefits

  • Communities with healthy trees have lower levels of crime and domestic violence than those without (See Benefits of Trees Research List below.)
  • Trees create comfortable spaces where neighbors can meet and children can play
  • Trees are often planted in memory of those who are no longer with us
  • Historic trees provide context for historic sites and help create a connection between the present and the past, and help support local tourism
  • Tree planting events bring volunteers together

Additional Resources

  • National Tree Benefit Calculator: An interactive tool created by the U.S. Forest Service and tree care companies that estimates the value of the benefits provided by a particular tree.