Community Outreach & Education

Classes Offered

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Adult Crime Prevention Unit regularly teaches classes to the general public on a number of crime prevention based topics.

The Crime Prevention Specialists within this unit utilize their advanced training and experience to better prepare and educate citizens about crime prevention. These classes are intended to help citizens make safe choices and better recognize crime when they observer it taking place.

Some of the classes provided to the public include:

  • Active Threat/Hostile Intruder
  • Burglary Prevention
  • Business Crime Prevention
  • Child Safety
  • Home Security
  • Identity Theft
  • Internet Safety for Parents
  • Introduction to Policing: Understanding Police Procedure and Being a Good Witness

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Surveys

The Adult Crime Prevention unit also provides Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) surveys. These surveys look at environmental factors and how the contribute to crime or criminal behavior. The crime prevention specialist can help citizens identify these factors and provide suggestions to correct or deter the possibility of continued crime and/or criminal behavior.

More Information

Please email the Crime Prevention Unit for more information.