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John Churchill Newcomb (1962 Homicide)

  1. John Churchill Newcomb (1962 Homicide)

    On February 28, 1962, John Churchill Newcomb and his housekeeper were attacked inside his farm house located in the 36800 block of present day Paxson Road, Purcellville, VA. John died from stab wounds suffered in the attack, but the housekeeper survived. Two subjects were later arrested based on the jailhouse confession of a suspect. However, neither subject was ever convicted.

  2. If you have any information regarding this case, or any unsolved case in Loudoun County, please submit tip information. Please add as much contact information as you are willing to provide, your information will be held in the strictest confidence. You do not need to provide your name or contact information.
  3. * If you would like to remain anonymous please contact Loudoun Crime Solvers at 703-777-1919 or 877-777-1931. If this information leads to an arrest and Indictment, the caller is entitled to a cash reward.
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