Are jurors paid for their service?

All reporting jurors are paid $50 per diem regardless of whether they are impaneled on a jury. This stipend is for any expenses that may be incurred while serving on jury service. Juror’s checks are mailed approximately eight weeks after jury service is completed.

Show All Answers

1. Who is qualified to serve on Jury Duty?
2. Can jurors change their jury service report date?
3. How long does jury service in Loudoun County last?
4. Who is entitled to a Jury Trial?
5. Where is the Loudoun County Circuit Court located?
6. Where do I park when I come for jury service?
7. Must employers pay their employees who are on jury service?
8. Where is the jury assembly room located?
9. How are prospective jurors selected for jury service?
10. How are jurors selected for a particular trial?
11. Who can be excused from jury service?
12. Are jurors paid for their service?
13. What may jurors wear to jury service?