Who can be appointed or qualified if the named testamentary trustee either renounces or is deceased?

Priority goes to any alternates named in the will. If no alternates are named, or if any alternate testamentary trustee renounces the right to serve (following the same procedure as the first named testamentary trustee) or if the alternate is deceased, then any beneficiary of the testamentary trust can make a written motion to the probate clerk to have someone appointed and qualified by the probate clerk as testamentary trustee under the will.

Show All Answers

1. What is the definition of a testamentary trustee?
2. How do I obtain the legal authority to act as a testamentary trustee?
3. What if the nominated testamentary trustee does not wish to serve?
4. What if the nominated testamentary trustee is deceased?
5. Who can be appointed or qualified if the named testamentary trustee either renounces or is deceased?