Do I need VSMP / Construction General Permit coverage for my project?

In accordance with State Law, Loudoun County requires that VSMP / Construction General Permit (CGP) coverage be obtained for all land disturbing activities that disturb 1 acre or more, or for land disturbing activities within a Common Plan of Development or Sale regardless of disturbed area, if the Common Plan of Development disturbed more than 1 acre. However, note that certain activities such as agriculture or permitted mining are exempt from VSMP permitting requirements. A complete list of exempt activities can be found in Section 1096.01(d)(2)(B) of the Codified Ordinances.

Show All Answers

1. Do I need VSMP / Construction General Permit coverage for my project?
2. What is the annual permit Maintenance Fee and why is it important?
3. When do I need to obtain coverage from both the county and the state?
4. What is the construction activity operator?
5. Who can sign permit documents on behalf of the “operator?”
6. How do I know if my project will be subject to the current or the “old” regulations?
7. If my property drains to an existing SWM facility, is SWM addressed for my project?
8. What is a Common Plan of Development or Sale, and how does it affect me?
9. When do I need to update my Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)?