Will my contact information be shared with others?

No. The information that you provide will be used only for notification purposes. We will not give or sell your contact or location information to any vendor or other organization.

Show All Answers

1. How can I maximize the weather alerts in Alert Loudoun?
2. Why is there a confirmation option with Alert Loudoun messages?
3. I signed up to receive alerts as text messages on my cell phone but am not receiving the texts. Any idea why I am not receiving text message alerts?
4. What is the best web browser to use with Alert Loudoun?
5. Is there an app for Alert Loudoun?
6. I live in Loudoun, but work in Fairfax. How can I sign up for another jurisdiction’s alerts?
7. Will my contact information be shared with others?
8. Is there a charge for this service?
9. Who do I contact for more information?