What should I do if I am the person named as “respondent” in a Family Abuse Protective Order?

A "respondent" is the person against whom the order is issued. You will receive a copy of the order from the sheriff. Read the order carefully. Strict compliance with the order will avoid additional problems that can result in criminal penalties. You may ask the court to dismiss or change the terms of the order. Only a judge may dismiss or change the terms. The order will have a date and time for a hearing, arrive at the courthouse at least 30 minutes ahead to allow time for parking. You or your lawyer may tell your side of the case at the hearing. For more information, contact Community Corrections at 703-777-0207.

Show All Answers

1. What should I bring with me when I come to file?
2. What should I do if an Emergency Protective Order that was issued expires before I am able to have a petition for the Family Abuse Protective Order reviewed?
3. Do I need a lawyer to file for a Family Abuse Protective Order?
4. What should I do if I am the person named as “respondent” in a Family Abuse Protective Order?
5. How will I know when the Protective Order is served on the person from whom I want protection?