Countywide Transportation Plan

2019 Countywide Transportation Plan

On June 20, 2019, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors adopted the Loudoun County 2019 Comprehensive Plan, which includes the Loudoun County 2019 General Plan and the Loudoun County 2019 Countywide Transportation Plan (2019 CTP).

As directed by the Board of Supervisors in its adoption of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan, staff is conducting a thorough review of the draft document, making sure that all Board motions were captured and addressing any grammatical or technical errors in order to produce a final “clean” version of the adopted Loudoun County 2019 Comprehensive Plan. The documents linked below will serve as an interim final copy of the CTP until the Comprehensive Plan document is available in a professionally-designed format.

The 2010 Countywide Transportation Plan documents below are provided for historical reference.

2010  Countywide Transportation Plan

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors adopted the 2010 Countywide Transportation Plan on June 15, 2010, and amended it on March 6, 2018. The final document posted below is comprised of the text and the 2010 Countywide Transportation Plan Map.

The Office of Mapping and Geographic Information maintains a Flickr photo gallery of transportation maps, including the Revised Countywide Transportation Plan Roads Map. The gallery enables the public to zoom in on maps.

Additional Information

For questions or additional information, email the Department of Planning and Zoning or call 703-777-0246.