Found Pet Checklist

Did you find a pet? It is important to act quickly to get the pet back to their owner. Here is a checklist of things you can do to help the lost pet get back home. 

File a report with Loudoun County Animal Services by calling 703-777-0406. It is a good idea to take a photo of the pet to include with the report.

  1. Bring the pet to a nearby veterinarian, rescue, or LCAS during normal business hours to have them scanned for a microchip. Often, a microchip is the fastest way lost pets are reunified with their owner!
  2. Talk to your neighbors
  3. Post signs in your neighborhood and within a radius of two miles. Include well-traveled areas and grocery stores, libraries and veterinarian offices. It is important to have a good “found pet” poster to aid you in your search. You can find found pet poster templates online. Here is one to get you started: