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Loudoun Workforce Resource Center - Volunteer Application Job Fair Assistant

  1. (The Loudoun Workforce Resource Center is part of the Dept. of Family Services)
    The Loudoun Workforce Resource Center requests the following information to assist in determining if your skills, availability and experience are a good match with the services offered and our needs. This information is confidential and for internal use only. Thank you for your time in completing this application, which serves as the first step in the volunteer intake process.
  2. Contact Information
  3. Availability
  4. When are you available?*
  5. Present Employment Status:*
  6. Do you have prior volunteer experience?*
      1. I am interested in volunteering for job fair assistance
      2. If you would like to attach your resume, please use the browse button below:
      3. Background
      4. Are you 18 or older?*
          1. References:
            A reference should be a person (NON-RELATIVE) who is familiar with your qualifications and/or experiences as they relate to the topics you are interested in facilitating. YOU MUST PROVIDE TWO (2) REFERENCES.
          2. Reference 1:
          3. Reference 2:
          4. Consent to Release Information/Disclosure
          5. I hereby authorize the Loudoun Workforce Resource Center (part of the Department of Family Services) to verify information reported on this application. I understand that this information may be gathered at anytime during my association as a volunteer with the Loudoun Workforce Resource Center. I release the Loudoun Workforce Resource Center and organizations supplying information, from all liability and responsibility, damages and claims of any kind arising from this investigation of my background.

            I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate denial as an applicant for a volunteer position or my termination as a volunteer with the Loudoun Workforce Resource Center.

            I understand that this is an application for and not commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity.

            I understand that all information will be considered confidential to the fullest extent allowed by the law.
          6. Please enter your initials
          7. Just a reminder: Once the application is received, the Training Coordinator will contact the prospective volunteer to ask questions, gather more information and possibly schedule an interview.
          8. Leave This Blank:

          9. This field is not part of the form submission.