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Navigating Services & Getting Connected Eval

  1. Please disregard the sign-in prompt above.
  2. Navigating Services & Getting Connected
  3. Thank you for attending our Navigation of Services & Getting Connected presentation. Please provide your feedback so that we can continue to offer quality services.
  4. The presentation gave a thorough overview of resources, services and support at the Center.*
  5. After the presentation I know how to connect with the Employment Navigator*

    (5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree)

  6. After the presentation I know what resources and support services are available*

    (5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree)

  7. The presenter was well prepared*
  8. The registration and confirmation system was quick and easy for me to use*
  9. Don't forget to complete a "Got a Job" form when you get that new job!
  10. Leave This Blank:

  11. This field is not part of the form submission.