How does ISO plan to keep up with future improvements to the county’s fire suppression infrastructure?

Insurance Services Office Inc. (ISO) normally visits a community once every 10 years.  However, the recent study has led ISO to understand that new community development, to include improved water supplies, new fire stations and upgraded equipment, produces a need for a more regular review to ensure that the data they provide to the insurance industry is as accurate as possible.  The Loudoun County Fire & Rescue will be working with ISO to request a more frequent schedule of review based upon changes in these areas.  

Show All Answers

1. What is the Insurance Services Office (ISO) and what do they do?
2. How does the Public Property Classification (PPC) rating work?
3. What has recently changed with respect to ISO classifications within Loudoun County?
4. Do the new ratings mean that I will see a reduction in my property insurance premium?
5. How do I determine the Public Protection Classification for my property?
6. How does ISO plan to keep up with future improvements to the county’s fire suppression infrastructure?
7. I see signs for “Dry Hydrants” in rural areas of Loudoun County. What are dry hydrants and does their use improve the Public Property Classification (PPC) ratings?
8. How can I learn more about installing a dry hydrant and the grant program?