Can you give examples of the public participation requirement and how civic organizations should be included?

Community support and engagement contributes to the success of the project and sustainable outcomes. This engagement can be in many forms to include community meetings, materials and presentations, and forums for input and questions. Access to specific civic organizations that work in the area and provide social services, if any, or are able to partner with the non-profit organization/developer for the provision of social services to the tenants may be mentioned in the application.  

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1. How should the scoring criteria be applied to a hybrid LIHTC deal? Do the requirements apply to the 9% and 4% portion separately or for the entirety of the development?
2. When should developers apply for project-based-vouchers (PBVs) if they are planning to include PBVs in their LIHTC 9% application?
3. Is there a specific definition of “entry-level worker unit”?
4. Does a loan program application require the site to be appropriately zoned at the time of application?
5. Does the Loudoun County loan program require Davis Bacon wages?
6. How are partial points awarded when scoring a Housing Fund application?
7. In Section 1 of the Scoring Criteria, must each of the percentages of units be unique? For instance, can the 20% for seniors also be the 20% for disabled units, or must they be separate units?
8. What does the term “Project Manager” refer to in the Application Requirements list?
9. Are there any restrictions or scoring considerations related to a property developed on a long-term ground lease rather than fee simple ownership of the site?
10. Are hard copy applications required?
11. Is there a requirement that proposed projects must be located within a specified distance of an existing bus stop or commercial center?
12. Must Universal Design standards apply to all units and common spaces within the project to earn the full 5 points?
13. Can you expand on the affordability period and are points given on a sliding scale?
14. For sources of funds, does a Letter of Intent (LOI) proving tax credit pricing and debt serve as enough proof?
15. Can you give examples of the public participation requirement and how civic organizations should be included?
16. For site control documentation, is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) enough?
17. For the pro forma, is there a template or can applicants provide their own Excel document?
18. Will there be a recording or presentation materials made available from the August pre-application meeting?