Where has TCE been found in Loudoun County?

TCE has been found in a total of 32 private drinking water wells in the easternmost part of Broad Run Farms. The maximum TCE concentration found in these wells was 0.11 milligrams per liter. There is no evidence of groundwater contamination with TCE in any of the 49 other wells tested over the past 15 years just west of these properties, or in any of our county's public drinking water supplies. Broad Run Farms is located between Route 7 and the Potomac River, bordered on the west by Broad Run and on the east by the Hidden Lane landfill and the CountrySide community.

Show All Answers

1. What is trichloroethylene?
2. How are people exposed to trichloroethylene?
3. How much TCE is permitted in drinking water?
4. Where has TCE been found in Loudoun County?
5. What is the source of the well water contamination?
6. How was this contamination found?
7. What are the health effects of TCE?
8. How will this affect my pregnancy or children?
9. Will this affect my pets or plants?
10. What is the Health Department doing in response to these findings?
11. What should people do if TCE is found in their drinking water?
12. I live in CountrySide. Is my water safe to consume and use?
13. Where can I find out more about TCE in Loudoun County?